Employment law - This is an appeal against an order of the Magistrates Court setting aside a default judgment.

![Mohamad Abou-Eid v The Islamic Society of Victoria Inc. [2018] FWC 4324 (9 August 2018)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Mohamad Abou-Eid v The Islamic Society of Victoria Inc. [2018] FWC 4324 (9 August 2018)
Application for an unfair dismissal remedy – compliance with the Small Business Fair Dismissal Code – whether conduct amounted to serious misconduct.
![Seecamp v Michael Parker Building Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1806 (19 November 2018)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Seecamp v Michael Parker Building Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1806 (19 November 2018)
Building and property list - Application for reinstatement - matter previously settled
![Re Solowei [2018] VSC 586 (5 October 2018)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Re Solowei [2018] VSC 586 (5 October 2018)
COSTS – Where applicant sought revocation of a grant of letters of administration on intestacy – where applicant delayed and withheld relevant information during proceedings – No point of principle.
![Jah Thomas Pty Ltd v Carmack Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 578 (27 April 2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Jah Thomas Pty Ltd v Carmack Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 578 (27 April 2017)
The Respondent seeks an order, pursuant to s 79 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 (‘the VCAT Act’), that the Applicant give security for the Respondent’s costs in the amount $58,630 or such other amount as the Tribunal deems appropriate.
![Vic Kids Property Pty Ltd v Kritsonis & Anor [2018] VCC 891 (20 June 2018)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Vic Kids Property Pty Ltd v Kritsonis & Anor [2018] VCC 891 (20 June 2018)
Subject: Client Privilege – whether chain of emails confidential communication – legal advice - whether waiver for failing to object to production under subpoena – whether the court ought to inspect documents in the absence of admissible evidence in support of claim of privilege.
![Scott-Mackenzie v Bail [2017] VSCA 108 (10 May 2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Scott-Mackenzie v Bail [2017] VSCA 108 (10 May 2017)
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION – Text of legislation – Legislative intention – Whether Parliament intended to include the child of a deceased’s domestic partner within the meaning of ‘stepchild’
![Alabaster v Alabaster & Ors [2017] VCC 370 (11 April 2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Alabaster v Alabaster & Ors [2017] VCC 370 (11 April 2017)
Constructive trust – acquisition of property – failure of joint venture between mother and daughter.
![MILLER v MILLER [2017] SASC 37 (22 March 2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
![Seven Network (Operations) Limited v Amber Harrison [2017] NSWSC 129 (22 February 2017)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Seven Network (Operations) Limited v Amber Harrison [2017] NSWSC 129 (22 February 2017)
Catchwords: Misleading and deceptive conduct – whether representations concerning suitability of a particular variety of broccoli seeds for transplanting at a particular time of year in a particular region were misleading and deceptive.
![Amar Produce Pty Ltd v Fairbank's Selected Seed Co Pty Ltd & Anor [2016] VCC 1908 (14 December 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Amar Produce Pty Ltd v Fairbank's Selected Seed Co Pty Ltd & Anor [2016] VCC 1908 (14 December 2016)
Catchwords: Misleading and deceptive conduct – whether representations concerning suitability of a particular variety of broccoli seeds for transplanting at a particular time of year in a particular region were misleading and deceptive.
![Bail v Scott-Mackenzie [2016] VSC 563 (20 September 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Bail v Scott-Mackenzie [2016] VSC 563 (20 September 2016)
TESTATORS’ FAMILY MAINTENANCE – Whether plaintiff is an eligible person under Administration and Probate Act 1958, Part IV – Whether a child of a former domestic partner of the deceased is a stepchild of the deceased – Whether relationship of stepchild-stepparent ends on death of natural parent – Plaintiff held to be an eligible person – Administration and Probate Act 1958, Part IV, s 90.
![Zosel v The Trustee for The Grace Freeman Nelson Trust [2016] FWC 5183 (1 August 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Zosel v The Trustee for The Grace Freeman Nelson Trust [2016] FWC 5183 (1 August 2016)
Application for relief from unfair dismissal.
![Heraud v Roy Morgan Research Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCCA 1797 (15 July 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Heraud v Roy Morgan Research Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCCA 1797 (15 July 2016)
INDUSTRIAL LAW – Determination of compensation for loss suffered by the Applicant because of contraventions by the Respondent of s.340 of the Fair Work Act 2009 – consideration of the principles governing the calculation of economic loss from loss of opportunity for employment – determination of appropriate penalty is to apply pursuant to s.546 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
![GIBBS v HAOMA MINING NL [No 4] [2016] WADC 105 (15 July 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
GIBBS v HAOMA MINING NL [No 4] [2016] WADC 105 (15 July 2016)
Practice - Third person's objection to a debt appropriation order - Third person is judgment debtor's indemnity insurer - Was there an available debt.
![Impact Funds Management Pty Ltd v Roy Morgan Research Ltd [2016] VSC 221 (10 May 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Impact Funds Management Pty Ltd v Roy Morgan Research Ltd [2016] VSC 221 (10 May 2016)
LEASES AND TENANCIES – Construction of a commercial lease – Law Institute of Victoria standard form lease. Whether landlord required to improve the leased premises by extending passenger lifts – Terms requiring landlord to consult with tenant.
![Brimelow v Alampi [2016] VSC 135 (8 April 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Brimelow v Alampi [2016] VSC 135 (8 April 2016)
SUCCESSION LAW — Where deceased made no provision for adult daughter — Where moral duty to the applicant conceded — Where quantum in dispute
![Heraud v Roy Morgan Research Ltd [2016] FCCA 185 (5 February 2016)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6505742f7cfcf730cfba6400/1696824058094-OP1HZ84JT53WNXQIIMRD/image-asset.jpeg)
Heraud v Roy Morgan Research Ltd [2016] FCCA 185 (5 February 2016)
INDUSTRIAL LAW – whether Respondent contravened s.340 and s.351 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“the Act”) – seven contraventions pleaded – Applicant on maternity leave